What Can You Put on a Metal Roof to Make Snow Slide Off?

Metal roofs, despite their modern charm, often leave homeowners scratching their heads when winter strikes. The snow buildup can lead to weight concerns and water damage.

But what if there was a way to let gravity do its job, making the snow slide off?

In this article, we’ll offer insights into achieving just that.

How Snow Buildup on Metal Roofs

Snow buildup on metal roofs is a common problem in areas with heavy snowfall.

Metal roofs have a smooth and low friction surface that allows snow to slide down easily and stick to the metal panels.

Unlike some other roofing materials that can absorb and hold some snow, metal roofs do not have this ability. Therefore, snow piles on the metal roof will stay there until it is removed manually or melted naturally.

Risks of Snow Build Up on Metal Roofs

  • Roof Damage: Snow is heavy and can put a lot of pressure on the metal roof, causing it to bend, sag, or crack. This can affect the roof’s strength and durability.
  • Ice Dams: Snow can melt and refreeze at the edge of the roof, forming ice dams. Ice dams block the water from draining off the roof, causing it to leak into the building. This can lead to water damage and mold growth.
  • Roof Collapse: In extreme cases, snow can exceed the roof’s load-bearing capacity and cause it to collapse. The excess snow can endanger the people inside the building and damage the property.

Advantage of Having Metal Roofing on Snowy Areas

Snow on a metal roof can be a benefit, especially in areas with heavy snowfall. Snow can damage, leak, and cause safety hazards on other types of roofs. However, metal roofing can handle snow better because of its advantages.

Some of them are:

Light weight:

Metal roofing is the lightest roofing material available. It weighs only 42 pounds per 100 square feet, which is much less than other materials like composite roofing (180 pounds), slate roofing (1,000 pounds), or cement tile roofing (1,000 pounds). This means that metal roofing puts less pressure on your roof structure and can prevent collapses.

Snow slide-off:

Metal roofing has a smooth and low friction surface that allows snow to slide off easily and quickly. This prevents snow from accumulating on your roof and forming ice dams, which are blocks of ice that stop water from draining off the roof. Ice dams can cause leaks and damage to your roof and home.


Metal roofing is durable and long-lasting. It can withstand harsh weather conditions, such as snow, wind, rain, hail, and fire. It does not crack, warp, rot, or fade over time. It also resists corrosion and rust. Metal roofing can last for 50 years or more with proper maintenance.

What Can You Put on a Metal Roof to Make Snow Slide Off?

To make snow slide off a metal roof, apply a metal-friendly, rust-free deicer like Safe Paw before the initial snowfall. Safe Paw, among the few roof-safe products in the market, prevents snow adherence, facilitating an easier slide-off, ensuring optimal roof protection during winter months.

How to Melt Snow off a Metal Roof

Snow on a metal roof can be a challenge, especially in areas with heavy snowfall. Snow can damage, leak, and cause safety hazards. Therefore, it is important to melt snow off a metal roof using safe and effective methods.

1. Roof Heat cables:

These are electric wires that you can attach to the edge of your roof to melt the snow and ice. They can prevent ice dams, which are blocks of ice that stop water from draining off the roof. You can buy heat cables at a hardware store or online .

2. Calcium chloride:

This is a chemical that you can fill a pair of pantyhose with and place it on your roof near the edge. This will create a channel for water to drain off the roof. You can buy calcium chloride at a hardware store or online .

3. Hot water:

This is a simple way to melt snow and ice on your roof. You can use a bucket or a large spray bottle to apply the hot water on the snow or ice. You will need a ladder to reach the roof and be careful not to slip or fall. This method is good for targeting specific areas, but not for vast melting snow on your roof.

How to Remove and Prevent Snow Build Up on Metal Roofs

snow cleaning from the roof
snow cleaning from the roof

Here are some ways to remove snow from your metal roof safely and effectively:

1. Use a Snow Rake.

A snow rake is a tool with a long handle that can reach the snow on your roof and pull it down. You can use it from the ground and avoid climbing on the roof.

You can buy a snow rake at a hardware store or online. You should leave some snow on the roof to avoid scraping the roof surface.

2. Use a Shovel or a Broom.

A shovel or a broom can help you clear snow from your roof by hand. You can use them for smaller roofs or less snow. You should use tools with soft edges to prevent damaging your roof.

3. Use Heat Cables or Deicing Products.

Heat cables or deicing products are devices or chemicals that can melt the snow and ice on your roof. You can attach heat cables to the edge of your roof to warm it up and prevent ice dams.

You can sprinkle or spray deicing products on your roof to melt the snow and ice. But look for products that are safe for your metal roof.

You can also use some modern techniques and materials to help the snow slide off your roof and reduce the risks of snow falling. These include:

5. Use Snow Guards or Snow Rails.

Snow guards or snow rails are devices that you can install on your roof to hold the snow in place or guide it down.

It is not difficult to install a snow guard. You are capable of completing the task on your own. To secure the guards in place, all you need is a screwdriver and screws.

Roof snow guards work by creating a barrier or a channel for the snow, allowing it to melt gradually and safely. Snow breaks are placed to protect anything surrounding the roof from the damage accumulated snow can cause.

6. Use a Snow and Ice Melt System.

A snow and ice melt system is a system that uses heating elements in the roof or gutters to melt the snow and ice as they accumulate. This prevents ice dam formation and facilitates natural snow sliding.


Removing snow accumulation on metal roofs is a manageable task. You can effectively eliminate unwanted snow piles through rust-free deicers, snow guards, or heat tracing systems.

As winter approaches, equip yourself with these proven snow prevention tactics, ensuring your metal roof’s longevity and performance. Embrace these solutions and navigate the frosty season with confidence, free from the woes of snow buildup.